Books and Articles

PORTUGAL “O melhor lugar para se viver

Cada português deve ser um ator que interpreta roteiros, escritos na história, mas atualizados para o mundo moderno, apoiados por um conjunto de mitos, histórias e valores do país, reunindo as pessoas numa nova visão para o futuro, num “novo” Portugal. A partir deste momento, estamos no palco, e devemos atuar para o nosso país, os nossos filhos, e para nós próprios como seres humanos individuais.

Manuel Pelágio



Leading and Branding Portugal

Every Portuguese should be an actor performing scripts that have been burned in history, but updated for the modern world, supported by a set of myths, stories and values from the country, bringing people together in a new vision for the future, in a “new” Brand called Portugal. From this moment on, we are on stage, and we must perform for our country, our children, and for ourselves as individual human beings.

Manuel Pelágio

The Spirit of the People is the Heart of the Country.

Buy NOW – Believe Portugal 2050

The Pleasure of Being the Body

A wise old sage once said: You are your body. And yet many ideologies and –isms try to deny us our right birth, of being with our bodies in pleasure and sacredness. Think of a global state of being where the biological truth of our bodies is seen as a foundation for creating social structures for our collective well-being. Many of our current pains worldwide are because we are forced to deny that truth.  We feel something clear in our bodies but are forced to accept something else. From a very young age, our education systems do their best to break that bodily truth in children and then prevent individuation as adults; unwillingly, we develop an armour that becomes a cage, cutting us off from our core. Facing this societal denial, the individual often has to renounce pleasure to conform to the social reality.

The Pleasure of Being the Body – ENG – Buy Now

O Prazer de Ser Corpo – PT – Compre Agora